On Saturday, I got to be a “local” author at a book fair in Peoria, Illinois, where I was born and lived until I went off to college. The event was held at a the gorgeous new North Branch of the public library, and it was nonstop action.
For a writer, a book fair is always a gamble. Sometimes you just sit there awkwardly longing for someone - anyone - to stop at your table or booth. When someone finally does, you try not to look too desperate. You hope your smiling face says “Hey, no pressure! I’m just here to talk about good books!” instead of “Gaaah! Please, please buy a book! I spent money to be here!”
Kindhearted people are often shy to approach an author’s table. They don’t want to feel pressure to buy if the books are too pricey or don’t look interesting - but they don’t want to disappoint the author either. And walking away is awkward, right?
Here’s how to do it gracefully. Just put down the book that didn’t interest you, smile at the author, say “Thanks for letting me look!” and move on. If you’ve asked a question or chatted a bit, you can say “Thanks for talking to me!” Trust me: The author will be glad you made it easy.
There was very little awkwardness on Saturday. The Peorians I met were obviously experienced at attending book fairs, and they kept me busy! They just seemed eager to browse books, talk to writers, and take home a good read. I can’t remember a more successful day in terms of both fun and sales.
Here I am before most of the books disappeared:
This is excellent advice! And I will take it now to say hello. I looked you up as I am in an editing class and one of the readings is your essay "Toward Accuracy, Clarity, and Consistency" in Peter Ginna's book "What Editors Do." I feel confident I can thank you for its usefulness, though I am only a couple pages in. What I have read so far let me know to put that book title in quotes because Substack doesn't have the functionality to use italics haha. I must resist distraction and get back to it :)